Apples are an extremely popular and affordable snack for humans to enjoy year-round, but can your canine friend enjoy apples too? The answer is yes! Apples are safe to offer as a treat to your dog, but a few simple steps should be taken first.
Remove the seeds, stem, and core before offering your dog bite-sized chunks or slices of apples. While ingesting a few seeds won’t generally harm your dog, large amounts of seeds may build up toxins in their system.
Apples are affordable and easy to find almost year-round in grocery stores. They’re also a very low-calorie treat which makes them a good choice for dogs on a diet that still has a bit of a sweet tooth. However, since apples are high in natural sugar, it is best to limit your dog’s intake and only offer this snack on occasion.
If your dog has a sensitive stomach, always talk with your veterinarian before changing up your dog’s diet. While apples can be a healthy and very beneficial addition to a dog’s diet, you may need to take steps to introduce it very slowly to more sensitive dogs, or senior dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Apples?
Yes, apples are safe for dogs to enjoy as an occasional treat. Many veterinarians recommend removing the seeds, stem and core before feeding any parts of the apple to your dog just to be safe, but this is not always necessary.
The seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide. While this sounds scary, it will take a large number of seeds to cause issues, so one or two seeds ingested by your dog should not cause any harm. However, it’s very simple to remove seeds from bite-sized pieces to prevent the risk of seed-related issues entirely.
The stem is somewhat questionable. Some dog owners will avoid letting their dog eat the stem for the same reason they remove the seeds, but others have had no issues with their dog eating the stem.
The core should be avoided as it is extremely tough and can be hard to digest. It’s also a potential choking hazard, especially in puppies, so should be avoided entirely. If given the core, many dogs will not chew it properly and could swallow it. Even if this does not cause a choking hazard, it can cause intestinal blockages. It’s best to remove the core entirely to avoid the chance of choking or blockages happening.
How Should You Prepare Apples For Dogs?
There is a wide range of ways you can prepare apples for your dog. The most basic and easiest way is to simply cut small bite-sized cubes or slices from the apple to feed to your dog as-is. Many dogs love this treat and will happily crunch away on the piece you give them.
During the summer, you can try a frozen option. Try freezing unsweetened applesauce in ice cube trays and offering them to your dog as a summertime treat. The cooling effect and naturally sweet flavour can keep your four-legged friend cool on a hot day. Plus, it will keep small dogs and puppies busy for a short time as they lick and nudge this frozen treat.
Roasted apple chips are a great seasonal snack for the fall. Slice the apple thin and ensure the seeds are removed, then roast it in the oven at low heat for two hours or until it is firm and crispy. These crunchy and sweet snacks are great for you and your dog to enjoy together!
You can also add apples to dog-safe cookie recipes. For example, most dogs love the combination of peanut butter and apples together. Try making some dog-safe peanut butter cookies using oat flour, unsweetened apple sauce, peanut butter and eggs. Sometimes experimenting in the kitchen can be the best way to create new recipes for you and your furry family members!
Is Apple Good For Dogs?
Apples contain vitamins A and C, as well as large amounts of fibre which are all great and healthy nutrients for dogs. Apples are also very low in fat which makes them a perfect snack for dogs on a diet, or senior dogs that have issues digesting fats.
The sugar content in apples should be taken into account, however. A single apple can contain up to 20 grams of sugar which is much more than your dog needs in a day. Because of this, even large dogs should not be fed an entire apple and instead only offered a quarter or a half an apple at the most.
One of the biggest benefits of feeding apples as an occasional treat to your dog is the fact that apples are extremely low in calories. You can use small chunks of apple for treats during training sessions, or when bonding with your new puppy.
Apples are also high in fibre, but low in protein, which makes them a beneficial snack for dogs that have restricted diets or need foods low in protein and fat. Finding treats for dogs with some medical issues can be difficult, but apples can be fed to almost any dog in moderation without causing any additional health issues.
The Bottom Line
Apples are a safe, sweet and delicious snack for dogs of all ages. Puppies will love crunching on the sweet flavour of this fruit, and seniors with tooth or digestion issues can enjoy them in the form of applesauce or purees.
Apples are affordable and easy to find in most grocery stores. You’ll be able to enjoy this healthy treat yourself, and not feel bad about sharing with your canine companion as well. In fact, there is a wide range of recipes you can make which include apples and which both you and your dog can enjoy!
Most veterinarians and dog owners recommend removing the seeds and stem from any apple pieces or slices before giving them to your dog. While ingesting a few seeds will likely not cause issues, large amounts over time can build up toxins in the dog’s body.
Additionally, be sure to remove the core when feeding your dog an apple snack. The core is extremely tough and hard to digest. Most dogs won’t chew it properly and it can cause a choking or intestinal blockage hazard.